Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Most of us would be familiar about RPM.The Redhat Package Manager installs the essential RPM files for LINUX OS distributions like RHEL,Redhat,Fedora,OpenSUSE..
But a more advanced version of installation manager is YUM.

The Yellow dog Updater, Modified (YUM) is a free software/open source command line package management utility for RPM-compatible Linux operating systems. It was developed by Seth Vidal and a group of volunteer programmers, and is currently maintained as part of Duke University's Linux@DUKE project.

Though yum is a command line utility, several other tools provide graphical user interfaces to yum, among them pup, pirut, and yumex. Seth Vidal now works for Red Hat and a number of other Red Hat programmers are involved in the development of yum.

Why YUM is gaining more popularity than RPM???
Any package to be installed is associated with different library files and .C files.(cant tell u all).If it is provided along with the distribution,then no worries..If not,it’s a hell a lot of time finding out all the dependant files…Trust me..

So to help us solve our worries,here comes YUM.,The best solution to install a package with all the necessary dependencies.
To configure YUM,
Createrepo command is used to create a repository.A repository contains many packages with complete dependencies(mostly).All it takes is to type a single command,after configuring YUM,

#yum install -y packagename

Everything gets installed..

Configuring YUM is still more easier if u download YUM configurations from websites like dag wieers and provide abundant is mainly useful for Fedora users while dag wieers for Redhat,CentOS and RHEL..
Try this out too,
Have a pleasant Day..

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