Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Get Paid to Read emails

E-mail Pays U
“E-mail Pays U offers its opt-in subscribers two very profitable forms of paid e-mails. standard paid to read email earns you $.02 per email advertisement you receive and read from our company. Subscribers can also earn valuable point e-mails that are exchanged for cash 6 times a year.
Combine this with our powerful referral program and the pennies really start to add up. When you join our program you will receive your own unique referral website link. Share your referral link with others and you'll earn $.01 for every paid to read e-mail advertisement they read and an additional $.01 for all the paid to read e-mail advertisements their referrals read. You will also earn 25% for all the paid with point email advertisements your referrals read for 2 full referral levels. See how quickly pennies can turn into dollars!
E-Mail Pays U will also pay you to click! Clicks or hits are a type currency on the internet. We will pay you to visit websites in our daily program. You earn $.005 (1/2 a penny) for every website you visit!” It also provides Free $10 signup.


“Quite simply, Hits4Pay is one of the few companies which pays the highest in the industry. You can earn a monthly check from the efforts of 2 levels. All credits are recorded in real time and can be viewed from your members area 24/7.
1. Signup Reward: Earn $10 in your Hits4Pay account as soon as you signup for a free account.
2. Direct Income: Earn $0.02. Earn $0.02 for each advertiser's email that you read from us.
3. Direct Referral Income (level one): Earn $0.01. Refer us to a few friends and earn $0.01 for each email that they read. You will get credit for your direct referral reading emails.
4. Referral Income: (level two): Earn $0.01. When your direct referrals refer others, you earn $0.01 for them reading the emails we send them.

5. Payout: Any account that has reached the minimum payout of $25.00 or more will be zeroed out on the 1st of every month, and checks mailed out on or before the 15th.”
As far as I am concerned, I prefer Hits4Pay..Its been rated high but the number of emails is quite less.

It provides the following features,
• Get paid to read paid emails.
• Get paid to sign up offers. Additional terms apply.
• Get paid to click and visit sites.
• Get paid to play games.
• Get paid to write articles.
• Get paid to search the Internet.
• Get paid to refer other people up to 6 Levels.
• Lifetime bonuses according to personal earnings.
• Payments via Paypal, E-gold or Stormpay. Only $2 payout limit.

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