Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How To surf the net in Linux

Nowadays,most of the Linux Distros comes with the inbuilt ethernet configuration utility..But still,if the ethernet is configured improperly,it can be reconfigured using the tools like rp-pppoe and adsl rspectively.

Rp-pppoe software can be downloaded from roaringpenguin website..It can be opened either using applications menu or by typing,

#rp-pppoe in command mode.

The GUI interface opens up..The first tab consists of connection name,username and password associated with it. The second tab consists of ethernet device used,that is,eth0 or eth1..etc.Then details like dynamic ip or static ip has to be provided..If static ip is used,then ip address ,gateway ip has to be provided.After completing all the fields,the dial button is to be pressed to start the internet connection..Thus the internet connection can be established.

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