Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How To increase your fitness levels

Most people think late.The first and foremost step in reducing weight/raise fitness level is “PREVENTION” .Eat food with less calories and good hygienic levels.This posts is for all who never care about my frst step…

Many out there do regular exercises..Some of the reasons for exercising are,

1.It stretches life span.
2.Reduces/controls blood pressure
3.Prevents heart-related problems.
5.Freshens your mood.
6.Good Physique
Now you might understand why the world is running for FITNESS.

What makes you big,stout??? Its mainly due to high fat content.Presence of high calories which is reduced while exercising..But reducing half your weight within a night is impossible..Some do try impossible to happen..
Some of the DONT’s while exercising,

1.Dont start your workout before warming up.
2.Lifting a ton wont help you in any way,so dont overdo your exercises.
3.Dont run till you die.Gradually raise your distances as days progress.
4.Dont use steroids and other drugs .

Now The DO’s
1.Plan your goal
2.Raise your workout level gradually
3.Stretch properly before and after workout.
4.Maintain a note and evaluate your workout regularly.

Heh,you may now start your workout..Need some tips on choosing the exercises??
There are many specialised gyms for your requirement but there are some exercises done on your own…Here goes,,

1.Jogging,mainly in the early hours
2.Bicycling for 20 to 25 miles will be satisfactory..The duration depends upon your weight.
3.Mountain climbing
5.Ofcourse,sports..playing football,volleyball,handball definitely does good.

Need more info,check out these sites,
Ace Fitness

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